Thursday, April 5, 2012

Watching my world leave on trucks

The part of military life that I'm asked about most often is the constant moving. More particularly, the the household goods packing and moving. While I do have an option to pack myself up and do all the work, I refuse. It's too much work for little gain, especially with 5 kids to watch and care for and relatively little time between moves. So, we opt to instead have the military hire a contractor and pack and move us.
I've been through quite a few moves, but never one like this. As I've stated before, this move is split into three parts: unaccompanied baggage, non-temp storage, and the regular shipment. Today is the last part of the regular shipment. I am always intrigued watching the packers because they can turn a room full of stuff into this

in the matter of a few hours. For the regular move, as they pack it all they load it into crates like the one shown below and seal them. 

I am beyond thankful for those who do this as their job, as without them it would be difficult to say the least to move as much as we do.

In the meantime, we've started our lives as homeless nomads. We're staying near our home (specifically, furnished houses the Air Force has to rent out) to facilitate getting back and forth to watch packers and clean the house.

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