Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Things are never the same when you go back

Over time, people and things change. It's a fact of life.
Recently this has been something I've been dwelling on more than ever. Not sure if it's how long we'll be gone, how far we will be, or a combination of the 2, but it's weighing on me quite a bit. I worry about coming back and finding people I know yet don't. The Navy has taught me that this isn't a huge worry, because there are quite a few out there I can go years without seeing and we pick up as if we've never been apart. I still can't help but think about it though.

Then come my greater concerns: I look at my neices, nephews and other small children, and wonder if they'll remember us. I look at my younger children and wonder what they'll remember about life here. I wonder how the older ones will react when they come back and find out that things aren't as they remembered.

It'll be interesting to see.

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