Thursday, April 19, 2012

Exploring New England

It's been a busy few days in the northeast.

Sunday we drove down to the church I grew up in to attend services. The excitement of seeing everyone was tempered a bit by seeing the pastor I grew up with step down, but, in a way I'm really glad I was there for that as well. He was the pastor that confirmed me, he's a big part of why Adam is a Lutheran, he married Adam and I, and baptised our 3rd child. As my friend put it, "you picked a hell of a day to show up".

Our original plans for this week involved a lot of time in Boston, but as it turns out this week is spring break in MA and the Boston Marathon was running Monday. So we changed our plans and Monday we drove to Plymouth, MA. It was a beautiful day, a bit warm, but that made the sea breezes that much nicer. I've never been there (I literally skipped the grade that included that trip)  and for some reason, I had this idea that the entire town was the Plantation. I couldn't have been more wrong. While the Mayflower landing is a big part of the town, I found it to also be a beautiful little New England seacoast town I wish I had much more time to spend in. Of course, we did the touristy stuff, too.

She loved talking to the role players on the Mayflower

Look! It's a rock!

Stained glass windows in the Pilgrim Museum
(the oldest continuous running museum in the US, but not the oldest)
We didn't go to the Plantation. It just seemed like too much at the time.

Tuesday we drove out to the place my parents are hoping to close on soon. It's a beautiful house built in the 1800s on 16 acres of land......out in the middle of no where. It fits them though. They'll be able to garden again, which I know they miss, and my dad has always wanted chickens so he'll be able to get those. I'm pretty sure dad wants goats too, but I'm not thinking mom will let that happen.

Yesterday we went to Old Sturbridge Village. The kids had fun seeing everything (we had a hard time keeping #4 from trying to catch chickens) and we all came back to my mom's tired and hungry after a long day.

Watching the lambs

My girls asked if they could help garden and she let them. Too cute!
The oldest girl loved interacting with the role players here as well.

tee, hee
Our time here grows short again, and we continue our Gypsy life with a drive down to my grandparent's house in the Poconos today. Should be a great time as always.

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