Friday, April 6, 2012

Things to do and see in Charleston

As our time here draws to a close, I thought it would be fun to make a list of things of our favorite things to do or see in the Charleston area. There are more places I have been to, but for one reason or another are not part of our top list.

1. The Charles Towne Landing is one of our favorite places to visit. As the original landing site for settlers in the area, it holds a particular historical significance. Beyond that, it's just plain beautiful and fun for everyone. My kids especially love the animals and the reproduction ship.

2. Edisto Beach: It's a natural, beautiful site away from the craziness and build up of most beaches.

3. Colonial Dorchester: Another original settlement site in the area. Love the old tabby ruins and the remnants of the old church.

A note on the above sites: these and many others are part of the South Carolina State Parks system. These are the ones in the Charleston area we have been to, but we've visited others outside the area as well. We have NEVER been disappointed with our state parks visits and higly reccomend that if you're moving to South Carolina buying a state park pass.

4. Charleston Museum: "America's First Museum", founded in 1773, has an extensive collection and is constantly rotating exhibits so there is never a shortage of new things to see. They also do many events for kids and are very good at keeping them interesting!

5. Fort Moultrie: I bet you were expecting Ft Sumter. Honestly, in the 2 years we've been here we haven't gone out to Ft Sumter. It's cost prohibitive for a family of 7 (while Ft Sumter is free, the ferry out to it is most definately not). Ft Moultrie is both affordable and, I think, quite an interesting piece of history. It was built and used from the Revolutionary war up through WWII. We all loved exploring the Fort and seeing how it has changed over the years.

Wow, this is getting long. I'll skip the descriptions on the rest, if you want more details just ask!
6. Powder Magazine
7. Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon
8. Charleston City Market
9. Waterfront and Battery Parks
10. Downtown churches and cemetaries
11. CSS Hunley
12. Charleston Tea Plantation

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