Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saying goodbye

It's interesting that the part that I love and hate about the military is the exact same thing: moving. I love seeing new things, making new friends, and exploring new areas. In fact, usually after a few years in one place I'm ready to move on and see something new. I hate moving away from the friends I'v made where I am though.

I can always tell when it's about time to move because I start to get ingrained in a community that I love and enjoy. If there's one thing I've learned though, it's that goodbye isn't forever. You never know where you will go next or who will be there when you get there. In the meantime, we have been blessed with so many ways to keep in touch with each other its hard to believe, and I am thankful for that.

And thus our time here draws to a close. Thank you Charleston for your beauty and your people. You will be greatly missed.

"Somehow I know, we'll meet again/ Not sure just where and I don't know just when/ You're in my heart, so until then/ Wanna smile, wanna cry.....saying goodbye" ~Muppets take Manhattan

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