Thursday, April 12, 2012


It's been about a week since we left Charleston, and we've done so much since then. We started our lives as gypsies on Saturday when we drove north to my sister's house in VA to spend Easter with her. On the way, we stopped and saw the "great white shark" at South of the Border in SC. The oldest was very quick to announce that it wasn't a real great white....not sure he gets the concept of tourist traps.
"Great White Shark" at South of the Border

After having a great time with my sister, we headed up to Maryland to see my Uncle, Aunt and their family (taking the scenic path over the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel). Since they weren't home when we arrived in the area, we made a stop at the National Zoo to see the pandas.
From the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel, you can see where the bridge heads underwater

Giant Panda

Had a blast with my family there (all the cousins were up until midnight) and then headed up to another Aunts house in the Philly area. Got to introduce the baby to my Grandmother and spend the day with her as well as visit my Aunt and Uncle. The next morning we went to see the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, grabbed some cheesesteaks, and headed up to my friends house in upstate NY.......WHEW!

Independence Hall

The kids are having a blast with their travel journals and the geography lessons we're doing on the way. It's a great chance to both see the country and learn where things are.

This trip is exhausting already, and I'm it sure will continue to be so, but I'm glad we have the chance to travel and see everyone before we leave.

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