Monday, April 30, 2012

Time flies

Only a little over a week until we board our plane. In some ways, it feels like the last few weeks have gone by so fast. There's been so much going on that I lose track of the days and weeks. In other ways, the amount of stuff we've done makes it feel like an eternity since we've left. It's hard to believe how many places we've been and how much we've seen since leaving Charleston 3-ish weeks ago.

This last week has been no exception. From WV we headed to Indianapolis, IN. On the way we stopped at the Wright Brothers Memorial in Dayton, OH. It was a neat site with a cute little museum run by the National Park service, and the kids seemed to enjoy it as well. Bought a few "History of Flight" coloring books for the plane ride while we were there that I'm currently struggling to keep out of sight.

exploring the history of flight

We spent the night in IN, then continued on to St Louis where we got to stay with a wonderful family that has really become part of our own over the last few years. While there we went to the Arch and the Westward Expansion museum (the ride to the top was sold out so we did not do that), the St Louis Zoo and the Magic House. We also got to spend one evening hanging out with both sets of their parents, which is always a wonderful time.

After hitting a Creperie for breakfast on Sat (seriously, delicious!) we headed out to KC to visit. There's stuff we'd like to take the kids to see here, but since our trip is relatively short we're spending more time visiting with family and friends than anything else, splitting our time between KC and Lawrence. No trip to Lawrence is complete without a stop in at Pendelton's Country Market, especially when asparagus is in season, so we did that yesterday on the way back to KC from church.
She loved the tractor ride.

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