Saturday, June 23, 2012


I started off trying to write this about food here in general, kept getting stuck, and after typing a few paragraphs just on calamansi, I figured that should be the focus of this post:

Since getting here, I've done my best to try out fresh, local, ingredients and try to incorporate them into our diets (as well as some of the Asian pantry staples) both in traditional ways and in twists to our standard eating. I'm starting to love quite a few things I've been finding, and though I know a few of them I'll be able to find in the mainland (and actually have a clue now what to do with them) others I'm already trying to figure out how I'll live without.

For example, our first night here we tried calamansi, otherwise known as Phillipine lemons. They're about the size of my thumb, and have a flavor that is tangerine-y sweet with a bright lemony sour note if that makes sense. The sweet/sour balance changes as the color changes from green to orange, though the green ones are the most common for use and sale. They're standard in all sorts of Phillipine dishes, and you can even buy calamansi infused soy sauce at the market. They are also now a standard in our household for about anything requiring a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, including my gin and tonics.

<< sidebar:Thinking about it, I should try them as a base for sour mix to add an island twist to standard drinks. OH! As a margarita base too. I'll let you all know how those turn out.>>

My kids are in love with calamansi too. Every time they see them they want me to buy more and squeeze them and make juice. Given how small they are I'm grateful for the fact that I can just go buy the already squeezed juice instead, or if I'm feeling particularly nice the already mixed calamansi lemonade.

The kids have also talked me into buying a calamansi bush (that I still need to actually get in the ground). I'll admit, it really wasn't that hard to sell me on the idea. Hopefully it produces something before we move, or I think the kids will be heartbroken.

Is it bad that I'm already trying to figure out how I'm going to get these on the mainland?

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