Saturday, June 2, 2012

Move In!

It has been a crazy week, but as of yesterday we are officially moved into the place that will be our home for the next 3 years.

Most of the week leading up to Friday was spent doing things to prepare to move in, like running paperwork around and setting up utilities. Well, except for Thursday. Thursday I had to switch hotel rooms so I could stay beyond the 31st. I got to pack up all our stuff (remember, we already had our express shipment) and move it and all our kids luckily only 2 doors down......unfortunately through the rain. I managed to fit half the stuff in the car but the rest had to be hand carried. It was a major pain, especially since I was moving again the following day and it honestly was a "what the hell am I doing here?" moment for me. We made it though :)

Friday we were up early to go meet our Realtor for the move in inspection and to prepare for the movers. The day was long, but things went quite smoothly. Both my Realtor and the movers were amazingly professional and helpful, more than I could have ever asked for.

After the movers left I gave the kids an option: we could go back to our suitcases and stay with them in the hotel, or unpack our room and checkout entirely and stay in the house. Despite how  long the day was, and how tired they were, they went for the second option. I can't blame them. After 2 months of being on the road and living out of suitcases, seeing all our things brought some sort of normalcy to life again (even if most of those things were still in boxes). By the time we went to bed our oldest daughter had unpacked the girls whole room and put everything away. Granted, it's not how I would like it set up, but she did it herself and there's nothing on the floor so I let it be.

Today we had to run around and get things like bath mats and trash cans, but once we came home it was back to unpacking. I'm amazed by how helpful the oldest 2 are being. They're so sweet I try to make sure I say thank you often for all they're doing. With their help the bathrooms have been cleaned and set up, the kitchen is almost unpacked (given that I think half our weight is kitchen stuff this is a major accomplishment). and I've had 2 other sets of eyes on the baby so I don't have to worry so much.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about all that you are up to! Seriously, you are one amazing woman ...
