Friday, June 8, 2012

Settling in

This past week since we've moved in has been spent mostly unpacking and trying to figure out how to make our stuff fit in the new place. This house is not small by any stretch, bigger than anything we've ever lived in before (2600 Square feet) but it's still a game of deciding where I want everything to go and making it fit there. As of today, I think the whole downstairs area is about set up how I want it. I now need to get into the kids rooms and help them organize a bit better than they did when they unpacked.

I also need to buy patio sets so we can enjoy our balconies.
View from one of our balconies

Beyond unpacking, I've been supervising our landlord's handy man in fixing issues with the house, getting our car out of the vehicle processing center and back in our possession, getting the huge move-in-stock up the house shopping trip in (especially important for typhoon preparedness) and coordinating paperwork between myself here in Guam and Adam in Hawaii so we can get the travel claims and such paid out.

Part of settling in is always getting into a routine. I redid the kids chore list for the new house, though as before Tuesday is laundry day. This past Tuesday when I called up for the kids to bring me all the bedsheets and such, the kids were legitimately excited about it. I guess they're happy to get into a routine again too :)! I've gotten back to cloth diapers (yeah for no more buying disposables!) and menu planning to keep food costs down.

ready to brew!

I've been making bread since our arrival, but last night I started our first batch of beer, a Scottish 80 Shilling. I picked it because it has a longer ferment time and I'm hoping that Adam will be able to drink at least some of it when he gets home (it's one of his favorites).

boiled grains

Of course, nothing here gets wasted, so some of those grains that give the beer such a great flavor got reused in a batch of bread (with the rest stored in the fridge for more bread!).

Note on the first picture: Yes, I had a beer while I was making beer. There's a rule around here that says "you must drink beer to make beer"....Adam has dubbed it the Law of Conservation of Beer. It's the law, and as my physics professor used to say in his thick Russian accent, "It's the law, and you can't break the law"

 In other news, the baby has figured out how to climb stairs already. Oh joy.

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