Sunday, June 17, 2012

More Randomness

1. There are chickens everywhere here. There's a whole family of them that spends half their time in my yard (until I figure out how to catch them.......)

2. This is probably the coolest guy. Ever. Walks his carabau down One of the main roads here with the dogs on its back frequently. He's very friendly and lets kids walk and ride the carabau.

According to him, he caught the carabau wild a few years back and trained it gradually not to freak out near cars. He used to ride the carabau himself, but no longer. Now just his dogs and random kids ride it (I personally think the dogs are the best).

3. Tried homemade pickled green papaya this week that I bought from a random vegetable stand on the side of the road. Amazing. I need to figure out the pickling spices they use here, they pack a punch.

4. I have no idea why, but there was a pig in my street this week.

5. Being in a port that ships from all over the world pull in and out of all the time is neat. Getting to catch up with old friends because they pull in randomly is even better!

6. I need to learn how to properly clean an octopus. This is so that when I'm driving down the street and I see the girl selling the ones she just caught I can stop and buy one from her and have a clue what I'm doing with it.

7. The power crews here are neat to watch. My power went out randomly 2 nights in a row this week and I guess the power company decided to completely redo some of the lines as a result. Saturday morning I woke up to no power, but at least 5 trucks and cherry pickers working simultaneously on the street lines. Only took between 6 and 7 hours (non-stop) for them to finish.

8. In a related note, waiting until the power went out for an extended period to get the generator out was not the best idea I've ever had. On the bright side, the outage wasn't due to a storm so it was an easily recoverable mistake.

9. Sunsets here still astound me every time I see them.

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