Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 2 observations

1. I know I mentioned that Google maps is worthless here last week, but I had no idea how messed up the address system was here until this week. When turning on utilities, companies require that you turn in a map of the area pinpointing your house.

2. The Exchange here will shut down for the day every time  the power goes out.

3. The base post office frequently closes as well.

just use part of the lid to pop
the marble down then drink!

4. If you don't care about brands, KMART is better than the Exchange here for many things, even here where things are so "expensive". Makes me wonder why if you drive by the Exchange it's always so full.

Bonus: with all the Japanese here, KMART holds quite a few of the fun food things we liked in Japan. The kids were stoked to find the drinks they bought off a street vendor in Narita. I have a feeling anytime we go there I'll be asked to buy them.

5. Check labels. Always. "Guam" beer is made in Korea and "Guam" coffee is only repackaged here on Guam. There are many local things that are amazing, but just because it says "Guam" doesn't mean it's from here.

6. I never thought I'd see Firefly Vodka (the original Sweet Tea Vodka made using 100% US tea from the Charleston Tea Plantation) in Guam. They sell  it at the local grocery store. They also Firefly Bourbon here (Sweet tea infused bourbon) that I guess Firefly came out with after I left SC.

7. There is a real interesting balance on this island. On one street there will be houses in dire need of repair, and on the next street there is a shopping complex with Rolex and Prada stores.

8. The amount of fresh fish available here is astounding. Being able to get fresh, local, tuna and marlin is the best thing ever.


  1. I love that drink you have pictured. Alex introduced it to me in Taiwan. The marble somehow makes it at least 1/3 better.

    1. At least! For some reason I always get nervous that it's going to explode or something when I push the marble in.
