Friday, May 18, 2012

Apartment hunting: take 2

After today, I feel a little better about the month to month possibilities than yesterday. The first place we saw only has 2 bedroom units, but has amazing views, sweet staff and was recently renovated. Since Adam heads back to Hawaii in a bit over a week, I can just sleep on the couch and let the kids split the rooms until we move into Navy housing. The next place we found on our own by just driving around. It's a bit of a hike from the Navy base so I'm not sure it would work long term, but they had very reasonable 3 and 4 bedroom units with wonderful views of the Pacific and more than enough room for us. If they were a bit closer, I'd probably consider signing a 3 year lease.

Beyond house hunting, we explored a bit (of course). On today's list was the Air Force Base at the northern end of the island. The first place we tried to find was Tarague beach, so we could have a picnic lunch with the kids. I had no idea how high the elevation was where we were at until we rounded a corner on the way to the beach and saw this:

It was breathtaking. After lunch we explored the beach a little bit. The kids loved searching the tide pools for sea life and climbing around on the rocks. They wanted to get in the water, but water entry is restricted to certain areas there because of current concerns....and I didn't bring their swimsuits (note to self: buy an extra set of swimsuits and keep them in the car).

Where the waves are breaking in the background
is where the reef is.

My one gripe about the base there is that unlike all the other AF bases I've been on, there's no clear signs showing how to get to the commissary and exchange (though the beach was clearly defined). We spent a lot of time trying to figure out where anything was. We did eventually find everything though, and realized that the commissary there is way bigger than the Navy one, but their housing isn't quite as nice as the Navy side (except for the O-4 and above housing. Holy cow the views there are AMAZING).

Tomorrow we start to look at houses. We'll see how it goes!

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