Tuesday, May 8, 2012

23 states...

31 days, countless friends and family, 6 National Parks Service sites, 3 "Diners, Drive Ins and Dives" restaurants,  2 coasts, ......... and we made it.

These last few days have been rough for travel, but the only thing left now is to make it on our flight tomorrow.

We left Oklahoma Sunday morning, and headed to a friends house in New Mexico. We wanted the kids to be able to play there, so we did limit our stops a bit more than normal, but we did swing a stop for breakfast at a place called the "Rock Cafe" that was used as inspiration for the movie "Cars".

Had a wonderful night in New Mexico with friends, then got up very early to head out to LA. It's a 12 hour trip. yucka. I knew that the kids would NOT sit in the car for that long, so we sacrificed getting in early for a decent drive. We stopped in Petrified Forest National Park and a Rt 66 restaurant in Flagstaff. Both were great decisions.

The drive west was beautiful. I never thought I'd say that about the desert, but it was. I wish we had more time for that last portion of our trip.

We turned the car in today to be shipped, and we're now all resting and preparing for tomorrow and our flight to Japan.

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