Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Change in plans

We got an interesting email from our Realtor today about one of the houses we saw Saturday. It was the first one we saw, and we fell in love, but the landlord and ourselves were off a bit on pricing. Today, the landlord had his Realtor call ours and offer us the terms we originally asked for. Since we hadn't actually formally done anything with the other house we were looking at (applications, contracts,etc), changing our minds isn't huge on that end, but it still took a lot of debate and back and forth time before making the decision. The house is further from Adam's work, but closer to the walking distance close. It has a banana tree, is in a quiet area, and you can see the ocean from the porch.

I'm pretty sure it's the only time in our lives we'll be able to live this close to the beach, may as well take advantage! :)!

We were hoping to get to another beach today, but the baby is tired and crabby after being miserable with a fever from shots yesterday. So, we hung around the house. The kids did get to go to the playground though and  we got to meet Francia and her 5 children. She was very sweet, and the kids had fun playing with hers. She is originally from Saipan, and is giving me lots of pointers about visiting there in the future. Very sad that she and her family are moving back to the states just as we're getting here. I am glad to know that we're not the only crazy people in the military with a big family here though!

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