Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A little slice of paradise

Yesterday our unaccompanied baggage (air shipment) arrived. It was only 400 lbs of stuff, but it's amazing how much a difference that 400 lbs can make. The bedsheets and such I left boxed, but having my knives, a few of my pans, the kids legos, and other things make a world of difference.

Yesterday we also started to get out and explore a bit, although it was limited because we don't have a car big enough for all of us (until later today, woohoo!). We walked up the hill behind the temporary lodging to see the view and we greeted with this stunning view:

After our walk, we went back, got changed, and headed to Gab Gab beach, one of 3 beaches on the Navy base. (getting there involved Adam using the rental Sentra as a shuttle) It's an amazing and quiet little beach tucked away on the harbor, and I am quite a fan already. If I see this

every day for the next 3 years I think I will be quite content. I'll admit, I sitting in our unit and going stir crazy was starting to make me question coming here, but  once we got to the beach it all went away. The kids had a blast playing. Even the baby was a fan.

Hope to get out and see more today after we get a bigger car!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!! I'm so jealous, but proud and excited for you and the kids to have this amazing experience :)
