Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our First Space A Adventure

The kids and I decided to journey to Okinawa to see friends last week. Instead of purchasing tickets, we flew under the Space Available system, which allows military members, dependents and others under varying category priority levels to take the remaining seats on missions the military is already flying. Actually getting on the flights requires patience and a ton of flexibility, but it's free (or near free in some cases) and that's for me. :)!

This flexibility and fluidness means that the kids and I are still in Okinawa for at least the next few days, we weren't a high enough category to make it on the flight home today and the flight schedule (which only goes out 72 hours) shows no flights to Guam. I can't say I'm complaining, we're staying with amazing friends and having a blast! As soon as I get home I'll put up a full post with pictures of all we've doing.

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