Sunday, August 19, 2012

Time flies.....

When you're having fun?

These last few weeks have been interesting to say the least, and really have been somewhat of a blur as well.

When we returned from Okinawa, the youngest girl came down with a stomach bug, and within 12 hours I did as well. Of course, it made its rounds through the whole house. This could have been a very low point  in my last few weeks (I mean, who wants to get sick right when they get home and have to catch up on 18 million things) but it ended up reminding me how very blessed I am to be here. The community is so close, that within a few hours of finding out that I was sick and having a hard time taking care of the kids, I had a friend driving over to my house with food for the kids to do what she's appropriately dubbed a "ding, dong, ditch" (put food on the doorstep, ring the doorbell, and run so you don't get sick yourself). The people here are so amazing, and I am absolutely grateful for it.

Just as we were getting over that, I got a "surprise" phone call from my husband stating he was about to get on a plane to come home for a visit. Surprise is in quotes for a few reasons, partly due to the sheer luck that arose from a Space A flight being available within hours of his going on leave to get home. AMAZING timing, that allowed for him to sleep on the plane and arrive here early the next morning adjusted and ready to go.

Unfortunately, Adam's arrival was tempered a bit. The baby developed an inflamed abscess under his chin that I had to bring him to the Dr for less than 2 hours after he landed. We spent the whole day in the Naval hospital (may I add I LOVE the Drs here and was thoroughly impressed by their professionalism and their level of concern) and in the end had it manually drained and the baby was put on antibiotics. 12 days later and the lump isn't completely gone yet, but we're hoping that another round of antibiotics will finish the job.

The rest of the time Adam spent here continued to fit the up-down theme. I still wouldn't trade his time here for the world, though, and am completely thankful to his command for allowing him the time off to come and visit us. It's weird though. I feel bad that so many things went wrong while he was here and we had to spend so much time dealing with life, but at the same time in a really selfish way I'm really glad I had him physically here to help me through all of it. An amazing, amazing blessing for the family as a whole.

We did manage to make it to the beach down the street once before he left :)

Despite flying Space A here, we booked him a flight on Delta back. They hooked him up with an amazing rate back, and since he has to be back off leave by a certain time it's really for the best that we bought a ticket.

Again, thank you to everyone who helped us in getting my husband home for the time that he was. The kids and I appreciate it more than I could ever put into words. It was still really hard to see him leave today, but having him here for the time we did was the greatest gift ever.

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