Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Okinawa-Week 2

As I stated in my last post, I ended up spending a whole extra week in Okinawa based on Space A availability. There were simply no flights to Guam. As a result, we got to spend some extra time sightseeing.

Our first stop this week was Okinawa World. Within the park there's a traditional Okinawan Village, shops, traditional Eisa dance (that unfortunately you can't take pictures of), a Habu (native viper) pavilion and show, a large garden with examples of plants grown on Okinawa, and a large cave to walk through.

front entrance
Our first stop was the dance show, complete with drums and gongs. The baby was so amazed and confused by it all, but everyone else loved it. 

Our next stop was the Habu show. Of course, it not only explored the Habu but other snakes like the cobra and water snake as well. The kids really enjoyed the water race between the mongoose and the water snake they did as a demonstration.

Next were the caves. 

underground waterfall

"Mom look! it's double dark!"
 Then the garden
 We didn't have too much time to explore beyond that as the place was closing. It was still a great afternoon.

A few days later we headed out to the Okinawa Ocean Expo Park and the Aquarium. The park itself was absolutely beautiful, though absolutely huge so there was no way to do all of it (and all of the other attractions) in one day.

At one time the aquarium was the largest in the world. It has since lost that title, but still comes in at an impressive 4th place. The amount of fish on display was astounding.

I always love watching the kids faces

1,2,3,4,5,6 walkers......yup! still have them all!
 The deepest part of the tank complex is an exhibit showcasing large Manta Rays and Whale Sharks. They are amazing creatures. I've read how large they are and seen them on TV, but it's hard to grasp their size until you see them in person. Absolutely beautiful, powerful, and majestic creatures.

After exploring the shark exhibit (complete with preserved shark parts on display), we headed back out into the park itself to watch the dolphin show and see the manatees and sea turtles.

On our way out of the park we indulged the kids in one last request. In the park there is a very large kids play area, that I can best describe as a series of well designed cargo nets. It's hard to explain even with pictures how neat it was and how vast of an area it covered, but the kids loved it and it served to get that last little burst of energy out before heading back to the apartment.

The next day we all packed up and headed back home. It was such an amazing 2 weeks, and we can't wait to head back up there again.

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