Monday, February 27, 2012

Semper Gumby

Always flexible. ;-)!

Trying to keep this in mind, and remember to relax and to go with the flow. Usually that's not an issue for me, but it has been as of late. There are 3 topics that seem to be constantly on my mind:

1) How much has to get done over the next few weeks, and how little time there is to do it: overseas screenings for each of us, stuff to sell, stuff to return, people to see, moves to arrange, travel to arrange, somehow have to find a place to live, have to figure out how we're working the cat travel and mandatory quarantine stuff......compounding the stress is not having "hard orders" yet to actually get any of it done.

2) Knowing that as soon as we get there, Adam will be leaving to meet the boat in Hawaii for a few months. Normally not bad, like a nice deployment that we can actually talk to each other during, but all the boat spouse support will still be in Hawaii too because the boat doesn't officially move to Guam until later this year.

3) Church (will get into that at another time in length).

I know it will all be ok in the end. Just another character-building learning experience to go through. God will take care of everything. I just need to sit back, relax, enjoy the ride, and remain flexible.........always.

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