Saturday, February 25, 2012

"Sell so much stuff, the kids think they're next"

One of my favorite Dave Ramsey quotes recently.

Moving to Guam, especially with a family of 7, has its own unique challenges. Being a military family, I typically don't keep a ton of stuff around, as the prospect of unpacking all of it is overwhelming. Still, there are things we don't really need that we enjoy having, and have them simply because the pain of moving them is outweighed by the benefit that we get from them.

The prospect of moving so far, for so long, and having our stuff go on a ship and not see it for months changes this balance a bit I think. Do I ever really need an extra freezer? No. Is it nice to have one? Yes, especially with such a large family. Is it worth it to try to find a way to keep it from getting mold inside it over a multi-month move to an island that can lose power quite often and gets hit by typhoons? Eh. Probably not. We'll be getting a generator, but it can only power so many things.

And so the decision making process goes. My kids are starting to get nervous.........

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