Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Haputo Beach and Onward waterpark.

It was quite the busy weekend, full of lots of sun and water!

Friday afternoon we went to Gab Gab beach for a boat party that they were having for the visiting Japanese sub. I brought out the paddleboard, but unfortunately the wind was making the water a bit too choppy for the kids too use it. Still had fun playing in the sand and water. The coolest part of the day was probably watching one of the Japanese sailors catch an octopus, then watching a bunch of the crew work together to clean, grill and eat it (some of it was consumed raw as well). CRAZY!

Saturday Adam was on duty, but the kids and I went on a short realtively easy downhill hike with friends to Haputo beach (some history of the site here). I forgot my camera, but as much as I wish i had pictures I'm impressed that I managed to get kids, hiking stuff, and snorkel gear out the door and down to the beach. It was an amazing and beautiful location and I will be sure to go back. Only downside is that the rip tides there can be brutal, and you actually have to sign a waiver with the Navy before you can go out. Not too big a deal, just means I have to watch the kids closely.

Sunday after church Adam and I fed the kids brunch and took them to Onward Resort waterpark with the tickets some friends gave us for Christmas. It was such a fun day, and the kids got a huge kick out of going on the slides with Adam (Annabelle said that going with him on a ride was the "bester one"). Luckily, dinner was in the crock pot when we got home because the kids were STARVING when we got home!

Overall, and amazing a fun weekend!

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