Thursday, January 31, 2013

Grow Guam

Sparked by a few days of cloud cover, most of my time recently has been filled with the task of scrubbing the tile grout in the house. All 2500 square feet of my house is tiled in white tile with white grout. With 5 kids running in and out all day all that grout gets gross quick.

I have very harsh words for the person who thought that white grout was a good idea. Something to think about the next time I decide on a house to rent.

We did take a field trip, though, in the midst of my scrubbing the floor. I contacted Grow Guam's general manager, Jon, and arranged a tour for our local homeschool group of the only hydroponic garden on island, that also happens to be the ultimate source of all the lettuce I buy here (The stuff that gets shipped in from the mainland doesn't appeal to me for many reasons).

Jon was great, and taught us all quite a bit about how they manage to grow lettuce here.
You can see them barely poking through

Lettuce from just planed to a few weeks

plants then are moved to and mature here

Grow Guam is also starting to work on hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers. This produce is not for sale yet because Grow Guam is still working on size consistancy issuseS, but eventually they hope to have it on the market as well.

Work obligations have kept Adam quite busy recently, but we did manage to squeeze in a short trip to Ipan beach with him in some down time he had :)!
getting ready for his favorite hobby
can't quite tell,  but I think he's a fan! :)

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