Friday, July 25, 2014

I suck-more updates.

At sitting down and doing this. Seriously. I apologize for it. I swear it's like "I'll continue tomorrow....." and the next thing I know it's almost the end of July.


Onto more updates.

After Jay left, we tried to find a new routine in the new between all my craziness with meetings and such. It took a bit, and the kids are almost done catching up on school work now (we took Dec and Jan off from homeschool. It was just too much). Between then and Holy week, we hit a few beaches with friends, played in pools, went to Tarza water park, played with our paddle board, watched sunsets.....our normal Guam fun things.
silly boys at the Hyatt pool

Cheesin' in Tumon. The water is really
that beautiful.
sunsets never disappoint
(taken from our new porch)

We did do a few non standard things as well. We managed to visit a few units of the War in the Pacific National Park, some of which the kids and I had been to, some not, but Adam actually got to go with us so I don't mind! I learn something new there every time. They do presentations at the main museum all the time, so we also got to see one on propaganda from WWII, and they devoted a section of the presentation to Dr Seuss's contributions to the war.

Agat Beach Unit

Piti guns unit

Also hit that day......a Connex Box McDonalds. Just 'cause
We still have a few more, somewhat more difficult, sections of the Park to explore that include some hiking. It was just too much the day we hit all the above.

If you check the link above for the National Park, you'll see some bad news regarding the park and really our island. They've found more invasive species in the Asan Beach unit of the park. Work started earlier this year to try to remove trees impacted by the Coconut Rhinoceros beetle, and was then halted when they discovered fire ants. Now sections of the park are closed down while they try to figure out how to proceed. It's so sad to watch how much a few "small" non native species can become such a huge issue so quickly on a small island. A few months ago a ship from San Diego was discovered to have black widows (another non-native species) on board when it pulled in here. I'm glad that the inspectors discovered the spiders, sent the ship back out and had the ship treated before unloading her.....but with all the ships from CA that come in here I wonder if it's a matter of time before they infect the island as well.

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