Friday, March 15, 2013

Scuba lessons

Not much going on here recently, just school, meetings, kids acting so rotten I can't take them in public......

Last weekend, though, was pretty neat. Our oldest was able to get his qualification dives for open water done with our great instructor (dad tagged along as well). He's very proud of himself, and put quite a bit of effort and hard work into it. We are very proud and impressed!

getting out of the water with dad after his final qual dive

Being 10, he's only able to dive to 40 feet, but there's still a ton to see at that level.

Why Scuba you ask? First off, this is a tropical island with crystal clear water. TONS can be seen while snorkeling, but Scuba lets you see more.Secondly, this is one of the cheapest places in the world to get dive certified. When we were in Charleston, we looked into courses and they were over $600 plus equipment. Here if you have a few evenings and a weekend to block off and do the classes it costs only $169 and includes equipment rental. Huge difference. Since we altered the schedule to slow it down and make sure he learned the base knowledge thoroughly, it cost us a bit more than that, but not much.

Downside is he's now constantly asking to go diving. :)!

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