Friday, February 8, 2013

Family weekend

Last weekend Adam amazingly got a good chunk of the weekend off. Since time like that is rare, we were sure to take full advantage of it.

On Saturday evening we went out to watch the sunset at Two Lovers Point (and to just show Adam the location). Unfortunately it rained before we could see the full sunset, but we still got to see some amazing views.

We even bought a heart lock to hang on the fence together.

Oh, and the baby became the prime subject of many pictures for a Taiwanese tour group. The tour guide was sweet and fun to talk to.

After church Sunday morning, we came home, ate brunch, and took a glorious few hour nap. When we finally got up and going again, we headed out to Dadi beach for some quiet beach and snorkel time before bed and dinner.
I always feel so blessed when we get to spend time together as a family. Adding in some beautiful locations makes it that much more amazing!

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