Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

New Years here was great fun and yet quiet at the same time.

For New Years Eve we smoked ribs for dinner before heading to church at 5. After church we came home and made a few other things (like duck fat fries) and stayed up until midnight with the kids while eating, watching TV and playing. We even went outside for a bit and let the kids run around playing hide and go seek at about 11. Everyone but the baby made it until the New Year started.
She made it until midnight, then fell asleep on the floor.

After the kids went to bed we Skyped and toasted the New Year with friends in Okinawa, then went to bed ourselves.

The next day we watched and couted down the NYC ball drop online at 3 pm our time, and then Skyped with other friends in WA at midnight their time. :)!

In between ringing in the New Year around the world we quietly hung out with the kids doing things like playing Monopoly and the Wii.
After 5 hours, we called it a tie

Hope your New Year brings blessings and joy for you all!

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