Saturday, December 22, 2012

Updates: Part 1

Time to get started on all this!

Last you heard from me was right before the boat pulled in. It was a hard time on all of us, knowing that Adam would not be coming in with the boat. 

I had tickets to the Marine Corps Ball in Okinawa, and had planned on heading up there to miss the return entirely. Unfortunately, the Space A chances over a 1 week period of trying were zero and we ended up not leaving. On the bright side (there always is one), I made a new friend in the process. I met a woman and a baby at the terminal that was trying to get back home to Okinawa. When the flight we were both cleared on was cancelled I invited her back to my house to take a shower and rest in a real bed instead of sleeping in terminal chairs. She ended up spending a full week at my house waiting on a flight (and cooking yummy food for all of us) and even went to a beach party for the wardroom with me :)!. Her baby is only a month younger than mine, and they had a blast playing together.  I now have a few more people to see the next time we make it up there!

The day after the ball there was finally a flight to Okinawa, but I chose not to try to get on it. While it would have still been great to see our friends even without the ball, I had already told the USO I was making food for their annual Thanksgiving day dinner, and I didn't want to get stuck on the other end trying to get back and have to go back on my word. It was also close to the time for the Annual GNOSC/USO craft fair, and there was a bunch of work that I still had to do for that.

On Thanksgiving Day I delivered food to the USO, and then went to a friend's house for a potluck - style dinner with the wardroom. It was a great day. 

That's all for now folks. Have to get back to tending to the kiddos. Will continue again later!

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