Monday, September 3, 2012

Orote point and the Spanish steps-take 2

Happy Labor day weekend! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Yesterday (Sunday) was an amazing day, if a tad bit busy for us here on the Island. Right after going to church,we headed to the gym (which is right across the street) to change into hiking clothes and meet a friend to head out to the Spanish steps and Orote point.

If you don't remember, Orote point was the first hike we did following our arrival on the island (story here). Since then, I've learned that it was actually amazing that we made it out there when we did. Navy operational restrictions frequently shut down the site to visitors, and it is actually quite rare that it is open.

(I now have a goal to hike down there every time it's open while I'm here I think. It's that much fun and that beautiful )

Any way, back to the story. We met our friend (the same one we took to Talofofo Falls) and drove out to the hike point. I strapped the baby on my back, hand carried a backpack, and we headed down the side of the cliff out to the tiny cove. The trip this time went much faster than last since the kids and I knew what to expect.

Since this trip was a bit earlier in the day than last, the sun was a bit more intense, but it made the trip in many ways much more fun. We were able to see SO many more fish playing in the reefs, and the aqua blue reflection off the water took my breath away.

Despite the hike being "easier" this time we were still quite tired between the actual journey, exploring and swimming.

Our day was no where close to over when we got back to the car though. First, we ended up driving a few guys that we met while on our hike back to a ship that was currently pulled in but is normally homeported in Yokuska so they wouldn't have to walk the whole way back to their ship. It's a far journey, and they were very grateful for the ride. From there, we went back to the gym to shower and change, headed to the commissary to get some food, went home to prep food and then headed out to the first on-Guam spouse party for those associated with Adam's boat (all 6 of us)! WHEW! It was tiring, but a blast of a day, that ended with me actually knowing a few of the other wives I've been isolated from by being the only boat spouse on Guam for so long.

This week, I hope to continue the hiking adventures by joining the "boonie stompers". It's a local group that runs hikes every Saturday morning to different locations on island. Some hikes will be too much for the kids, but the schedule for this week looks totally doable! Fingers crossed the weather is clear and we can go!

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