Sunday, March 11, 2012

Driving the bus

When I was in the Navy a Chief pulled me aside one day and told me that no one cared about my career more than I did. Being so young, I had yet to realize that this could be applied to more areas of my life than just my career.

"No one cares about this more than you do" has now become our motto regarding the transfer. We have come to realize that some of those who are supposed to help us in this process are not just willing to take their sweet time (that we don't have), but just plain don't care. If we sit and wait things will never happen. But WE care. We care about ensuring this happens the way it needs to for our family. We care about proper execution of the orders in hand. So, instead of waiting on others we work. We look up instructions, ask questions, call people who can help and try to find ways for this to work out.

It's exhausting and stressful, but worth it I think. I'd rather be the one driving the bus than the one waiting on the driver to show up.

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